Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Adaptation and Mitigation to climate change

         1. One interesting example is that Philippines is rolling out educational things to educate the population about climate change, the dangers of it, and how it can be slowed down. Things like:
                        - Publication and dissemination of poster calenders on climate change and global warming.
                        - Organization and conduct of symposia focused group consultation and workshops. These                              were attended by representatives from the government and non-government organizations,                            private sector, and the academy.
                        - Conduct of exhibits on climate change.
               Another interesting change they are mitigating is that they are promoting a number of campaigns featuring energy efficiency and conservation by the Department of Energy. For example, they are rolling out the Power Patrol Program. This is "an energy information awareness and education program covering the residential, industrial, commercial and education sectors. It promotes efficiency in the electricity and gasoline fuel use of these sectors through the media." This is projected to reach 1 million households and counting more.

          2. One cool thing the continent Asia is doing is their outlook on improving their agriculture infrastructure. They are looking for improving the pasture water supply. This would increase the qualities of living in different areas. Also they are looking at more ways to improve use/store of rain and snow water. This would be great because water scarcity and water purification is a big issue in most parts of Asia.

          3. The Philippines has signed to accept the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. They signed it on 15-Apr-1998. They accepted the ratification on 20-Nov-2003. And finally, they entered into force on 16-Feb-2005.

          4.  The Philippines has definitely toke a step to mitigate towards climate change. They have looked into ways to Alter applications of nutrients/fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. On the livestock production side, they have mitigated plant life. They are planting native grassland species; and also increasing plant coverage across the entire country. Lastly, mitigating towards violent storms and typhoons, they are improving sea defense and flood management. On top of that, they are also improving their information exchange system on new technologies at national as well as regional and international level.

          5. In my opinion, I think, not only the Philippines, but every country in this planet has a role and should take part in adapting and/ mitigating towards climate change, simply because of the fact that climate change is inevitable and affects the entire planet.

Kyoto Protocol